A Millennial’s Ideas About Building a Technology Company
Tools and techniques I would apply if I would start a tech company in the future

Albin Groen
Posted 2021-12-14
I haven't worked on a whole lot of different places, but from the places I've worked at, these are some things I've taken away from my experiences. These are things that I would apply if I would start my own company in the future.
Tools and tech
- Use Linear for issue tracking
- Host code on GitHub (OSS?, then you might want to use GitHub issues instead)
- Use Slack for communication (this would be open for customers as well)
- Build a accessible component library using Tailwind (definitely make it OSS)
- Bot that checks in on employees' mental health each week/day
- Public change logs
- Live streams for major releases where a couple of employees talk about what's new
- Google suite for communication (unless something better comes along)
- Build the API using REST and Prisma as ORM instead of GraphQL
- Svelte or Next.js for front end
- PostgreSQL for the database
- Validate your idea (product market fit) before you invest too much
- Have very clear scopes, start & end dates for projects
- Test product and features with customers regularly
- Talk with customers very regularly
- Optimize for a remote culture but also promote in-office.
- Grow organically as long as possible
- Hack days
- Off-sites